Tuesday, 3 March 2009

AffIiliate Marketing Overview

Affiliate marketing is an Internet-based marketing practice in which a business pays commission to an affiliate for every customer they direct to the product site.
  • Probably the quickest way to make money online is to promote someone else's product as an affiliate. You see people have already invested a great deal of time and money in creating their product, and in many cases, have optimized their sales page. This is an ideal situation for us to make money online quickly as we do not have to develop a product.

  • There are several key points to consider when selecting products to promote. I would advise to work with the Clickbank.Com marketplace because they have a huge number of established products to work with, and they also provide also vital statistical information that allows us to determine the probability of success.

  • Once, we have chosen a product all we need to do is to direct traffic to our specific affiliate URL (web address). There are a number of ways to generate traffic, which I will discuss in more detail over the coming weeks. However, free traffic can take time to develop, pay per click is often the first choice because we can drive extremely targeted traffic in a matter minutes.

  • We can either drive traffic (visitors) to the merchant's website through our affiliate link, or we can send the traffic to what we call a "landing page". A page set up by ourselves where we offer reviews on the product. This improves the visitor's experience as they recieve further information that will encourage them to consider purchasing the product. This is a great technique for converting visitors to buyers.

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